• Lightbulbs hitting each other like an office toy

    Focusing on Non-Profit Organization's operations, so they can focus on their mission and vision.

  • Woman smiling at a laptop.

    We have a selection of free webinars designed to help Fundraisers learn the skills they need to succeed.

  • A line of Mail Boxes

    Through our newsletter, At-A-Glance, we share our Industry Insights every month.

  • Tailor working on a suit

    Each Charity is unique, we tailor our specialized approach to your current and future needs.

Finance vs Advancement

How to Bridge the Gap

We have all been caught between the clashing needs of two stakeholders. Also, we all know that Finance and Fundraising often have very different data and process needs.

At Sentinel, we strive to unite teams so they can land on agreed-upon processes that benefit both sides.

Want to learn more? Join us for a free Roundtable

  • Learn how industry veterans tackle this problem

  • Find out what the data needs of these two departments are

  • Hear best practices for reconciliation and forecasting!

You can also read a success story, where we helped a client bridge the gap, in this case study.

Our Approach is simple.

We assess where your organization is today, and where you would like to be in the future.

From there, we determine the gaps in process that hold you back from achieving your vision. We develop a roadmap to get you there as directly as possible, and train your team on the new process that makes their day-to-day more efficient.


A Report

Database Analysis & Cleaning

Your database is the primary tool to help your organization succeed.  If your organization is struggling to make data-driven decisions, you are mired in operational red-tap and your staff are struggling, then it’s time to let us help you.  

Three people thinking together

Training & Documentation

We provide customized role-based training for YOUR organization. So that everyone on the team is ready to succeed. This includes user-friendly documentation for your staff. Documentation that keeps your team ready even during turnover.

3 Arrows poitning in the same direction

Customized Reporting

Reports are meant to be a one-stop solution that gets you all the data you need with the push of a button. But, so often they don’t meet an organization’s unique needs. Let us design custom Power BI reports that will save you hours of work.

Want to get Started?

Let’s talk, and see where we can make your organization run more efficiently.

Our Clients

Capturing and Utilizing Data

From finding fundraising leads, having volunteers more engaged, upping donor retention, or growing a membership base.

You’ll be surprised where it can take you.

About Us


Founder, Lucy Ruiz - PMP

With 15 years of experience, Lucy is an award-winning expert who enables non-profits to consistently meet and exceed their goals.

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Project Management

Whether implementing a new database or implementing new organizational processes a strong PM methodology ensures targets are achieved.