
Some industry insights

Importacular: A Developer Interview
Lucy Ruiz Lucy Ruiz

Importacular: A Developer Interview

We at Sentinel Consulting got a chance to speak with some of the Developers at Zeidman Development. The company behind Importacular, a Raiser’s Edge tool that aids in simplifying imports and keeping the process consistently accurate. We are excited to share some of the insights they had on their product and importing in general!

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Alumni Engagement: It’s a Marathon, not a Sprint
Lucy Ruiz Lucy Ruiz

Alumni Engagement: It’s a Marathon, not a Sprint

Alumni engagement is a long game. The seeds an alumni officer sows today will not fully bloom until many years from now. So let’s look at alumni engagement as blips on a radar and look at it like a journey. When it comes to engaging Alumni, it is important to start early, offer them value adds, communicate frequently, and track your progress.

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How to Save Time and Import Data
Lucy Ruiz Lucy Ruiz

How to Save Time and Import Data

Do you want to create a process for importing data at your Charity/Non-Profit, but need some help to get going? You’ve come to the right place. I think every fundraiser has had to spend hours on end entering data into a database. But there is a better way. While it will take some setup time the return on investment is huge!

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Microsoft Word - Creating Custom Shortcuts
Lucy Ruiz Lucy Ruiz

Microsoft Word - Creating Custom Shortcuts

Learn how to create your own custom shortcut in Microsoft Word. So that adding your contact information, formatting a document, or inserting a logo, is as easy as copy and paste. With Microsoft Word Macros you are only limited by your imagination … and Word formatting.

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Data Clean-Up Part 1: Setting the Stage
Lucy Ruiz Lucy Ruiz

Data Clean-Up Part 1: Setting the Stage

An organization’s success is inevitably linked to the record-keeping within their database. You can hire the best consultants and strategists in the world to plan your fundraising – but if your data is incomplete and bogged down by “dirty data”, your organization will never achieve the financial goals to support your mission and values.

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Mapping One Drive and Google Drive to File Manager 
Lucy Ruiz Lucy Ruiz

Mapping One Drive and Google Drive to File Manager 

As more organizations turn to online services such as OneDrive or Google Drive, life seems to get easier in some ways but awkward in other ways. Learn how to map these drives to you local machine to save time and reduce security risks.

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Income Tax Receipts Deadline
Lucy Ruiz Lucy Ruiz

Income Tax Receipts Deadline

In case you need a reminder, the deadline for charities to issue their 2022 income tax receipts is quickly approaching. The 2022 Income Tax Receipts Deadline is February 28, 2023. Issuing tax receipts in a timely manner is an important task within the stewardship journey.

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Defining Your Charity Database Needs 
Lucy Ruiz Lucy Ruiz

Defining Your Charity Database Needs 

Creating a list of needs, goals, and limitations that you can clearly communicate to vendors allows you to avoid some of the biggest pitfalls in selecting a new database. Building on those internally defined criteria with external experience then helps you use what the sector has learned.

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